Whistleblowing Policy

Oman Investment Bank has established a Whistleblowing policy to ensure a positive and constructive environment in line with its strong governance framework. The Bank shall strive to ensure confidentiality and objectivity in relation to any reports to the extent possible, in good faith and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. In the unlikely event that there is a concern of fraud, unethical or any other form of wrongdoing, kindly raise your concern, through the channels listed below.

The Bank shall not knowingly subject a Whistleblower to any detriment or retaliation if they report any concern or wrongdoing. If the Whistleblower believes that they are being subjected to any form of retaliation as a result of reporting any violation they must inform the Bank through the designated Whistleblowing channels. To ensure the effectiveness of this policy, any false allegations or unrelated communications will not be entertained.

What is Whistleblowing?

Whistleblowing is a method of reporting or disclosing of any wrongdoing including but not limited to any suspicion of corruption, unethical conduct, illegal activities or dangers to health and safety. These disclosures may be reported by customers, employees, partners, contractors, consultants or any other stakeholders confidentially through the identified channels mentioned below.

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